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Curriculum Vitae

From the Karmapa International Buddhist Institute, New Delhi, I obtained a Diploma in Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy and from the University of Vienna, a Magister as well as a doctorate in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies. I further held different teaching and research positions at the University of Vienna (Ph.D. Researcher / Lecturer), the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (Research Coordinator / Lecturer), the University of Leipzig (substitute of the Junioprofessor of Central Asian Studies) and the University of Heidelberg (Research Area Coordinator / Lecturer).
My research focuses on Tibetan Lam Rim literature, the early bKa’ brgyud tradition, the Jo nang tradition's gZhan stong-Madhyamaka philosophy and its specific interpretation of buddha nature, Buddhist strategies for coping with the future, the translation of Buddhist works as well as cultural exchange processes and interdisciplinarity.